Initiating Research

Initiating Research

The California National Primate Research Center has unique and specialized resources and Core Scientists with extensive expertise available to facilitate your research using nonhuman primates. Nonhuman primates provide a translational model that faithfully recapitulates many aspects of human physiology and behavior. This resource and internal infrastructure can provide a distinct advantage when considering research questions that will have direct application to human health and disease. 

Highlights of Services Offered

The CNPRC offers complete research services to facilitate nonhuman primate research, including GLP studies. These highlighted areas of expertise are a part of the larger UC Davis campus, which provides a broad and comprehensive offering of research services that can be leveraged to facilitate nonhuman primate studies. We offer:

Timeline for Initiating Research

The CNPRC invites inquiries regarding access to services and the expertise available. Scientists wishing to conduct research at the Center must have their projects reviewed and approved by the CNPRC Research Advisory Committee and Director, and UC Davis Animal Care and Use Committee (see Oversight and Regulations). Information will then be provided regarding the procedures for initiating a study or contract. Adequate lead-time is needed to ensure that all resources are available. The center's services are available to collaborating scientists on a fee-for-service basis. It is expected that you will contact and work with a Core Scientist in this process. To access these valuable resources, we ask that you follow these minimum time frames and use our single point of contact to make your access to our Research Services resources as easy as possible:

  •  6 weeks or more prior to the application deadline: Contact via email the CNPRC Associate Director of Research to discuss the project feasibility. If necessary, the Associate Director of Research will assist with identification of an appropriate Core Scientist to serve as a collaborator.
  • 4 to 5 weeks prior to the application deadline: Investigator will receive notification of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) approval and Research Services will begin working on the animal budget
  • 2 weeks prior to the application deadline: Submit grant/contract proposal to CNPRC Grants and Contract Management for the CNPRC Director’s approval. Allow two working days for review and approval.
  • 10 days prior to the application deadline: NIH proposals must be finalized to be sent electronically to UC Davis Sponsored programs. Non-NIH proposals have a similar deadline, however an electronic submission may not be required.

To initiate research, please email the CNPRC research concierge.