Neuroscience and Behavior Unit Scientists


Brenda McCowan, Ph.D.,  – Social networks' effects on health Visit Dr. McCowan's page.



David G. Amaral, Ph.D., CORE SCIENTIST – Neurobiology of memory Visit Dr. Amaral's page.

Karen L. Bales, Ph.D., CNPRC DIRECTOR – Comparative neurobiology of monogamy Visit Dr. Bales' page.

Melissa Bauman, Ph.D., AFFILIATE SCIENTIST – Prenatal risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders Visit Dr. Bauman's page.

Eliza Bliss-Moreau, Ph.D., CORE SCIENTIST – Biological mechanisms of emotions and social behavior Visit Dr. Bliss-Moreau's page.

Xiaomo Chen, Ph.D., - AFFILIATE SCIENTIST – Investigate The Neural Mechanism Underlying Essential Cognitive Functions. Visit Dr. Chens Lab

Jochen Ditterich, Ph.D., - AFFILIATE SCIENTIST – Neural mechanisms underlying higher-order brain functions linking perception and action, especially decision-making. Visit Dr. Ditterich’s Lab.

Andrew Fox, Ph.D., CORE SCIENTIST – Neurobiology of affective style Visit Dr. Fox's page.

Erin Kinnally, Ph.D., CORE SCIENTIST – Genes and environment in health and neurobehavioral traits Visit Dr. Kinnally's page.

John H. Morrison, Ph.D., CORE SCIENTIST – Neurobiology of aging Visit Dr. Morrison's page.

Gregg Recanzone, Ph.D., - AFFILIATE SCIENTIST – Natural aging affects the cerebral cortex, the neural structure that is necessary for one to perceive, and appreciate, different sound qualities. Visit Dr. Recanzone’s Lab.

Mitchell Sutter, Ph.D., - AFFILIATE SCIENTIST – Brain analyzes sounds, how attention influences this neural analysis, and how this leads to decisions and actions in response to sound. Visit Dr. Sutter’s Lab.

Sara M. Thomasy, DVM, Ph.D., DACVO, CORE SCIENTIST – Vision science, primate models of ocular disease Visit Dr. Thomasy's page.

W. Martin Usrey, Ph.D., - AFFILIATE SCIENTIST – Relationship between circuit activity, behavior and perception.  Visit Dr. Usrey’s Lab.



John P. Capitanio, Ph.D., EMERITUS – Primate social relationships, psychoneuroimmunology Visit Dr. Capitanio's page.