PAL Team members

Primate Assay Laboratory Core

The Primate Assay Laboratory (PAL) Core

Since 1985, the Primate Assay Laboratory (PAL) Core has developed and offered testing for nonhuman primates to develop specific pathogen-free colonies and improve overall nonhuman primate colony health. Over the years, the assays developed by PAL have been widely applied and resulted in more accurate and efficient diagnostic tests, leading to specific pathogen-free and better-characterized nonhuman primate colonies. Today, PAL functions as both a research and diagnostic laboratory, providing testing for SPF colonies. PAL has taken a leading role in technology transfer to other nonhuman primate institutions by providing training, characterized controls and reagents, and proficiency testing. We continue to strive to develop new and improved tests as science and technology advance, leading to the discovery of new pathogens and more sophisticated technologies. 

The  Core at the CNPRC offers antibody, antigen, virus, DNA, RNA, and other diagnostic marker detection for several infectious agents. All methods and reagents are validated, standardized, and controlled by in-laboratory studies and proficiency testing using reference banks of characterized specimens. Quantitation is available by arrangement. Test results are reviewed by laboratory personnel. Custom testing, including immunological and virological assays, training, and consultation, is available; please inquire. In addition, SIV virus stocks, reagents, and controls are available through Resource Services. PAL is a resource for Specific Pathogen-Free (SPF) colonies, field or epidemiological studies, research protocols, and atypical case resolution.

Primate Assay Laboratory

  • Specialty lab testing and expert consultation services to the public and private sectors. This includes local, regional, national, and international research colonies, zoological collections, veterinary laboratories, and practices of all sizes.
  • Methods and reagents validated, standardized, and controlled by in-laboratory studies and proficiency testing.
  • Maintenance of reference banks of characterized specimens
  • All test results are reviewed by qualified senior personnel before reporting
  • Resource for the development and maintenance of Specific Pathogen-free (SPF) colonies
  • Resource for field or epidemiological studies
  • Resource for laboratory baseline and monitoring of animals in research studies
  • Resource for unusual or atypical diagnostic cases

PAL Samples / Shipping Information

Shipping and Specimen Forms - Please complete the following PDF form and email the completed form to PAL.

To avoid compatibility issues with different browsers and PDF software, we recommend saving these forms to your computer before entering data and saving or printing a copy for your records. 

PAL Leadership

Koen Van Rompay, D.V.M., Ph.D.
PAL Scientific Lead
CNPRC Core Scientist
Infectious Diseases Unit
Visit Dr. Van Rompay’s page.

Gregory Timmel, D.V.M., DACLAM
PAL Clinical Lead
CNPRC Associate Director Primate Services

Peter Nham, M.S.
PAL Technical Supervisor