Pilot Research Program

About the CNPRC Pilot Research Program


"The CNPRC Pilot Research Program is wonderful funding opportunity ideal for scientists new to nonhuman primate research and we strongly encourage early career and junior investigators to apply. Lisa Miller, Ph.D, CNPRC Associate Director of Research, Professor, Anatomy, Physiology & Cell Biology, School of Veterinary Medicine


The next Call for Pilot Project Letters of Intent is to be announced and when open will be linked on this page. 

Program Objective

For more than a decade, the CNPRC has awarded pilot funds to investigators using nonhuman primate (NHP) components in their biomedical research. The annual CNPRC Pilot Research Program provides an administrative mechanism by which Principal Investigators in any discipline, particularly those not closely related to the Center's categorical Research Units, may have full opportunity to use the Center's resources.

Pilot Program Purpose

The CNPRC Pilot Research program provides opportunities and support for investigators to use NHP resources in highly focused, developmental, short-term studies with a high likelihood of enhancing the value, utility, feasibility, and attractiveness of nonhuman primates for biomedical research or for studies enhancing NHP welfare and/or husbandry.

Proposals to the highly competitive program are evaluated for scientific merit (significance, approach, innovation) and the likelihood of the project leading to a successful NIH grant application. High priority will be given to studies that propose to generate preliminary data for applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for support of future research projects. Those proposing to develop NHP models of disease, or develop and/or test new research methods, instrumentation, or approaches for biomedical research using NHP, will be considered with strong merit to support the goals of the program.

Areas of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Developmental and high-risk studies with the potential for gaining key insights into basic processes that will have a high translational impact.
  • Projects that propose new multidisciplinary teams with the inclusion of trainees.
  • Investigations that leverage samples or data available including archived biospecimens to obtain necessary information to support proceeding to in vivo studies.

Pilot Program Audience

This program serves as a resource for the entire biomedical research community, including regional, national, and international researchers. The program's goals are to provide resources (including Core Scientist expertise) and facilities for primate research to Principal Investigators who are not CNPRC Core Scientists and to provide the expertise to affiliates in all facets of the on-site portion of primate research. We highly encourage proposals from external applicants, early-stage investigators, and researchers new to NHP research.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must have Principal Investigator (PI) status from a federally recognized institution. Project scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and non-academic titles may not serve as PI on applications but can participate as co-investigators or trainees. Submissions from early-stage investigators new to nonhuman primate research are particularly encouraged. Please note the limit of one Letter of Intent submission per PI.

CNPRC Collaboration

The proposed project must be planned and carried out in collaboration with a CNPRC Core Scientist who will be integrally involved in the design, coordination, management, and oversight of the project. Prospective applicants are urged to contact CNPRC Unit Leaders or other Core Scientists to discuss the project, gain a preliminary assessment of feasibility, and confirm alignment with the CNPRC mission. Prospective applicants may also contact the Associate Director of Research for assistance in the identification of Core Scientist collaborators.

Review Process

The review process is based on the potential for the research to generate high-impact preliminary data in support of applications for peer-reviewed research project grants from outside sources and peer-reviewed publications, and on how well the research proposal meets the three primary factors considered in NIH review:

1) Importance of the proposed research,
2) rigor and feasibility, and
3) expertise and appropriateness of available resources.

Available Funding

The direct costs for a single research project must not exceed $50,000 and are limited to funding during the award period (not to exceed 12 months). Smaller pilot proposals ($20,000 to $30,000) are particularly encouraged to provide funding for a greater number of applications and investigators. In addition to funds provided by the Pilot Program, 3-5 animals may be included at no purchase or use fee cost as a part of the proposal. The number of animals will be dependent upon the study design and must be determined in consultation with the collaborating Core Scientist. All activities that involve nonhuman primates must be conducted on-site at the CNPRC.

Contact Us

Please contact Dr. Lisa Miller, Associate Director, Research if you would like to be added to the CNPRC Pilot Research Program list-serve for notification of new funding opportunities or with questions about the Pilot Research Program.