The Clinical Laboratory is a full-service in-house laboratory that provides diagnostic support for both clinical and research requests. It mimics the day-to-day operation of a human clinical laboratory, including the quality control and compliance regulations followed by the human labs. Our laboratory operates under GLP regulations and has three licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientists. Both manual and automated testing have been validated in nonhuman primates, and reference values are available for all tests performed in the Clinical Laboratory. Over forty years of experience in nonhuman primate diagnostic testing enables the Clinical Laboratory to be a knowledgeable resource to consult on test interpretation as well as testing recommendations.
- Complete Blood Counts
- Crossmatching
- Body fluid analysis, including slide interpretation
- Bone marrow smear evaluations
- Automated chemistry analyzer for routine serum chemistries
- Urine and CSF chemistries
- hsCRP
- Special panels/ individual special chemistries available upon request
- Dipstick with microscopic exam
- Urine chemistries
- Direct fecal exams
- Concentration fecal exams
- Cryptosporidium/Giardia IFA
- Blood parasites
- Routine culturing and identification of aerobic/anaerobic organisms
Serum Banking
- Serum stored for epidemiological and retrospective studies
- Over 25 years of nonhuman primate serum stored (multiple species)