Host-Microbe Systems Biology
The Host-Microbe Systems Biology Core Facility (HMSB Core) offers complete start-to-finish services for microbial phylogenetic studies. Designed to provide nonhuman primate researchers with resources for integrating analyses of microbial community structure and host-microbe interactions in health and disease. The HMSB Core services include nucleic acid extraction, library preparation for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), and functional analysis of NGS data sets. The Core utilizes easily accessible open-source software platforms that give customers maximum flexibility for their downstream data analysis needs.
The HMSB Core is uniquely designed to provide researchers with easily accessible, customized, and cost-effective resources for integrating analyses of microbial community structure and host-microbe interactions in health and disease.
Microbiome Analysis and Services »
A full-service facility for 16s Microbiome Analysis:
- DNA Extractions
- Library Construction
- Data Analysis
Shared Equipment Access »
- ABI Viia 7 RT PCR
- Arcturus XT LCM
- Leica CM1950 Cryostat
- Leica RM2255 Microtome
- LICOR Odyssey Infrared Imager
- Qiagen Pyromark Q24
- Qiagen QIAcube
To learn more about the HMSB Core, visit the website: