Primate Center for Gene Therapy

Primate Center for Gene Therapy

The Primate Center for Gene Therapy provides collaborative opportunities to address crucial gaps, and accelerate new NIH grant submissions and IND applications. Any investigator funded by the NHLBI is eligible to submit a Request for Services Application (RSA) and apply through a competitive process to conduct studies with monkeys. 

The program has conducted projects for investigators across the U.S. that highlight innovation (e.g., Children's Hospital Los Angeles, City of Hope, George Washington University, Harvard University, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, UCLA, UCSF, University of Florida, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Pennsylvania, Washington University at St. Louis). 

The established and highly successful program provides a means for the rapid testing of new paradigms, moving new hypotheses and emerging gene transfer vectors into a preclinical setting, and providing critical data for IND submissions, thus providing an effective vehicle for innovation in the gene therapy field. This program also routinely processes and analyzes specimens for investigators and provides cells, tissue sections (frozen, formalin-fixed), RNA, and DNA to investigators nationwide upon request throughout the calendar year. 

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