Training Opportunities
The California National Primate Research Center scientists and research teams play an important role in training future scientists and animal care specialists through participation in a variety of both formal and informal educational opportunities and programs here at the Center.
Our CNPRC scientists mentor students enrolled in graduate professional programs at UC Davis, as well as postdoctoral fellows from around the world who seek additional training in specific techniques. Mentorships and student intern opportunities are also available for students looking to gain experience working in animal research science.
Undergraduate Opportunities
Graduate Opportunities
Residency In Primate Medicine
Residency in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology - Laboratory Animal Pathology
Clinical Externships
Educational Outreach
The California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) is pleased to provide a wide variety of opportunities for students and others to learn about our scientific research and our animal care program. Our scientists, animal care, and animal behavior professionals frequently speak with visitors at the CNPRC, serve as mentors for teachers and students, visit area classrooms, and interact with the public at special events on our campus and in the wider community. Please contact our Outreach Department to learn more about our educational classroom tours or for more information.