Associated Laboratories and Centers
At the CNPRC, we offer a wide array of services to investigators. Click the links below to learn more about each resource.
Visit Clinical Proteomics Laboratory
Provides a broad range of services to nonhuman primate researchers, intellectual and technical expertise, and instrumentation for multiplex analysis of proteins in disease.
Visit Host-Microbe Systems Biology
Designed to provide nonhuman primate researchers with resources for integrating analyses of microbial community structure and host-microbe interactions in health and disease.
Visit Primate Center for Gene Therapy
Provides extensive outreach and training to investigators and their staff and develops new techniques and methodologies each year that are shared with the greater research community.
Visit Respiratory Disease Center
Laboratories and an inhalation exposure facility that is setting the standards for research in respiratory health. Research using nonhuman primate models of lung disease may be conducted by independent investigators with the assistance of CNPRC Research Cores.