We offer clinical externships for veterinary students who have completed all except their last year of veterinary school. The minimum recommended length of time for an externship here is two weeks -- to give you adequate exposure to the Primate Center and the primate medicine and research service provided at the CNPRC. The following is a list of some of the procedures in which externs may participate when available:
- Physical examinations and animal round-ups
- Injections
- Venipuncture/blood collection
- Cystocentesis
- TB testing
- Bandaging techniques
- Catheter placement
- Fluid therapy
- Suturing
- Orogastric intubation
- Ultrasound
- Anesthesia
- Surgery
Your learning experience here may differ, according to your skill and experience levels. The veterinary staff will do what they can, within reason, to accommodate your skill level and pace of learning. Every effort will be made to provide a good experience for you.
Unfortunately, the CNPRC does not offer housing provisions or funds to support your rotation. Candidates must be able to fund their travel and housing for the duration of their time here at the Center. In addition, candidates are required to have a current negative test for Tuberculosis (within 12 months of your rotation) and proof of measles vaccination or a measles titer. Failure to have TB and measles health clearance with you on your start date can delay the start of your externship for up to a week.
To arrange an externship, please send us a copy of:
- A letter stating your career goals with your requested dates and possible alternate dates
- Curriculum vitae
- Your veterinary academic transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation
Externship questions or application requirements can be sent to: Diane Stockinger, DVM, Head of Primate Medicine at the California National Primate Research Center University of California, Davis One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616-8542