Psychological Disorders

Psychological Disorders

Mood disorders constitute major threats to well-being in all human populations, and are often seen in conjunction with experience of stressors such as interpersonal conflict, economic hardship, and social loss and isolation (e.g., loneliness).  The CNPRC’s unique BioBehavioral Assessment (BBA) program, an assessment performed in infancy for a variety of biobehavioral measures, helps scientists identify naturally occurring psychological disorders within the colony as well as those who are most at-risk for developing certain behaviors in adulthood.

Through regular behavioral testing and analysis of biomarkers, CNPRC scientists are able to study psychological disorders, their causes, triggers, affects and treatments.

Examples of Nonhuman Primate Models for Psychological Disorder include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Loneliness
  • Social Stress