About Pathology 

Pathology Services supports the health, characterization, and use of the non-human primate model to improve human health and advance science. We provide pathology expertise for state-of-the-art translational research that contributes to the understanding and treatment of human diseases. We perform diagnostic investigations and disease surveillance to ensure the highest level of health for our colony and to maintain the production of healthy animals for biomedical research.

Our pathologists are experts in in the clinical, gross, and microscopic diagnostic pathology techniques of non-human primates and have extensive experience collaborating with scientists performing multidisciplinary research in human health and disease.  We also maintain and administer valuable biospecimen resources used by an extensive university-wide, regional, and national network of investigators.

For more information please contact: cnprc-list-pathology@ucdavis.edu

Experience and Expertise

Our pathology team consists of 4 board-certified pathologists with areas of special interest in geropathology, placenta pathology, neuropathology, and cardiopulmonary pathology. Our pathologists are supported by a team of 5 staff research associates, a project scientist, and two clinical laboratory technologists contributing over 60 years of combined experience.

Pathology Services Provided