Working with Titi Monkeys at CNPRC
Contact: CNPRC Info (530) 754-4413
(UC DAVIS, Calif.) – The California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) is home to the nation's only active breeding colony of South American titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus). These monkeys are small, tree-dwelling primates from South America, and live in monogamous family groups that consist of the parents and their offspring.
There are many advantages to working with these type of monkeys explains Dr. Sara Freeman, a postdoctoral researcher at CNPRC who works closely with the titi monkeys.
"One of the main advantages to studying titi monkeys, just like any other nonhuman primate species, is the fact that their biology is much more closely related to humans," she said, "compared to studying rodents like laboratory rats or mice."
Click on the video above to see the full story. If you are a scientist or a researcher who would like to learn more about the titi monkey program at CNPRC, please send an e-mail to Dr. Karen Bales.
CNPRC is now accepting Pilot Project Program Letters of Intent. The deadline for Letters of Intent is February 17 2017. Full proposals will be requested from a subset of Letters of Intent. Applicants should note that this process is competitive at two levels, for both the Letters of Intent and the full proposals. To read more about this program visit this link.