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(UC Davis) – Former California National Primate Research Center Director Dr. Dallas Hyde was recently bestowed an Alumni Achievement Award by the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis.
Dr. Hyde was one of five individuals honored with the award that represents the highest honor that the school can bestow on any graduate of its DVM, MPVM and graduate academic (M.S., Ph.D.) programs, or to individuals who have completed internships or residencies.
The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine honored Dr. Hyde for his outstanding leadership and accomplishments in administration, research, postgraduate education and professional service in the School of Veterinary Medicine throughout his 35-year career. He served as director of the CNPRC from 2000-2014 and his laboratory studied asthma, pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema in nonhuman primates as models for improving understanding of these human diseases.