Why do CNPRC researchers use monkeys for their research?

Since most biomedical research on human diseases cannot be conducted on humans for ethical reasons, animals are essential for understanding disease processes and for testing the safety and efficacy of therapies. When studying human diseases, monkeys provide one of the best animal models. Humans and monkeys bear a close genetic relationship, reflected [...]

2014-09-01T17:53:28-07:00November 27th, 2012|

Are the monkeys only available to UC Davis researchers?

The CNPRC is a national resource and provides opportunities for research to investigators around the U.S. The CNPRC has 18 core scientists, who hold joint appointments with various departments at UC Davis. The center also hosts around 70 affiliate scientists from UC Davis and other institutions, who work with core [...]

2016-04-05T18:29:35-07:00April 24th, 2014|

Is it possible to use computer models or cell cultures instead of animals?

Animal research occurs alongside other types of studies, including human clinical and epidemiological research, as well as alternatives to whole live animal research such as cell cultures and computer simulations.  In fact, consideration of viable alternatives to research with live animals is a basic ethical principle that undergirds the conduct [...]

2017-08-30T23:07:10-07:00July 28th, 2014|

Why does the CNPRC primarily use rhesus monkeys?

Rhesus monkeys, one of the most common species used in biomedical research, share about 93 percent of their genes with humans. They are also widely used because they breed well in captivity. Rhesus monkeys offer many advantages because of their close similarity to humans. Nonhuman primates, including rhesus monkeys, are [...]

2014-08-27T01:53:50-07:00November 27th, 2012|

Where do the monkeys live?

About two-thirds of the Center’s approximately 5,000 monkeys live outdoors. Monkeys are provided the best of veterinary care and living conditions. They are housed either in half-acre field corrals or conical-shaped “corncribs.” Outdoor enclosures contain swings, jungle gyms and shelters for the monkeys, as well as supplemental heat during the winter [...]

2017-08-30T23:07:10-07:00November 27th, 2012|

How long do the monkeys live?

In the wild, a rhesus macaque's life span is up to about 18 years of age. At the CNPRC, with excellent nutrition and medical care, these animals can live up to 38 years of age. Some geriatric animals are housed in the outdoor corrals with family members of all ages in the rich social [...]

2014-08-28T21:08:57-07:00July 28th, 2014|

What do monkeys eat?

In the wild, rhesus monkeys thrive on fruits, seeds, roots, herbs and insects. In captivity, monkeys primarily eat monkey chow, and an array of fresh, seasonal fruit, vegetables and nuts once to twice a week to provide them with variety and to supplement their diet (photo below). Outdoor monkeys also forage [...]

2017-08-30T23:07:10-07:00April 24th, 2014|

What does SPF mean?

SPF means “specific pathogen free.” SPF monkeys are free of specified infectious agents, including herpes B virus, type D retrovirus, simian immunodeficiency virus (the monkey form of HIV) and simian T-lymphotropic virus. Not only can these pathogens interfere with research results, monkeys carrying them pose risks to researchers and animal [...]

2017-08-30T23:07:10-07:00April 24th, 2014|

Can I visit the CNPRC monkeys?

The CNPRC is a research facility and is not open to the general public. This is because humans may carry diseases that can be extremely dangerous to the monkeys. Diseases carried by both humans and monkeys may also be fatal if contracted by the other species. All CNPRC employees are [...]

2014-08-28T22:13:05-07:00April 24th, 2014|

What kind of research is conducted at the CNPRC?

Research at the CNPRC is focused into four primary areas: Behavior and neuroscience Infectious diseases and immunology Reproduction and regenerative medicine Respiratory biology and disease AIDS research is one area of infectious disease research and includes studies related to pediatric AIDS, vaccine development, and mechanisms of virus transmission. Other infectious [...]

2017-08-30T23:07:10-07:00November 27th, 2012|

Are the monkeys on research studies in pain?

All research is conducted humanely under strict compliance with the Animal Welfare Act, which governs laboratory animals are housing, care and use in investigational studies, and according to IACUC review and approved protocols. The law requires that any procedures causing more than slight or momentary discomfort be performed using appropriate [...]

2014-09-01T18:09:35-07:00April 24th, 2014|

Have there been violations relating to the care of the animals?

Throughout its 53-year history the CNPRC has been a leader in quality animal care and is continually making advancements in the care and well-being of captive primates. Its outstanding animal care program has been recognized by OLAW and AAALAC, both organizations with high standards for animal facilities. The CNPRC was inspected [...]

2014-09-01T17:37:56-07:00July 28th, 2014|

Can the monkeys escape?

The center has multiple security measures in place to keep the monkeys safe. All housing facilities are monitored daily to ensure that the animals are secure. UC Davis reported one event to the USDA in 2011 where some monkeys exited their outdoor enclosure but due to multiple security measures, all [...]

2014-08-28T22:15:18-07:00June 11th, 2014|

Can the diseases being studied spread to the community?

Infectious diseases that are studied at the CNPRC are carefully controlled and all personnel are appropriately trained to ensure containment of biohazards.  PPE (personal protective equipment) is worn at all times when around the animals, to ensure protection for the humans and animals. Humans carry infectious viruses and bacteria that can [...]

2017-08-30T23:07:10-07:00April 11th, 2014|
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