The goal of CNPRC outreach is to increase the availability of cutting-edge science and biomedical research knowledge to students, educators, and communities, reaching new and nontraditional audiences. It directly connects scientists with expertise in biomedical research with the community. The programs use innovative methods and new modes of learning that have resulted in an increase in science literacy and healthy lifestyle choices, a greater understanding of nonhuman primates, an extension of this information to families, and an increase in student and educators’ awareness of the benefits of, and career opportunities in, biomedical research.

We are focused on increasing the availability of outreach to disadvantaged students and high-risk schools in order to help develop the breadth of their science curriculum and introduce the students to higher education and the UC Davis community, developing scientifically-literate students that are capable of making educated decisions and are interested in pursuing careers in science. Schools that invite to the center include a broad range of students: African American and Hispanic, ESL (Spanish-speaking, Asian, and first generation Americans), students with developmental challenges, mentally and physically disabled children, and high-risk students with difficult family situations.

Also, a broad diversity of CNPRC staff and faculty assist with the outreach presentations at the center. They are a racially, economically, educationally, and gender diverse group – demonstrating to the students, parents and educators that higher education and science careers are not limited to a certain identity group.

The CNPRC outreach program also collaborates with a number of UC Davis programs, including GEAR UP (a college preparedness program) through the UC Davis School/University Partnership, and the UC Davis Early Academic Education program.

Outreach staff have extensive experience in teaching, communication, and biomedical research topics at the CNPRC.  Contact us to learn more.

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